Monday, September 10, 2012

The Beck Diet Solution, Day 1

This is my second time going through The Beck Diet Solution by Dr. Judith Beck. I cannot recommend it enough. Yes, the basics of weight loss are less calories in + more calories out but if we're all honest with ourselves it is so much more than that. It's about our relationships with food, God and situations. The Beck Diet Solution (BDS from here on out) really teaches the reader how to "think like a thin person." In the actual book, Dr. Beck spends time explaining why certain mantras and mindsets are important to weight loss and each day you implement a new strategy to change your relationship with food. This time around, I'm just going through the workbook, which is an abbreviated version that gives space for writing in responses.

Day 1 of BDS is centered around WHY you want to lose weight. Your task for today is to write down all the reasons you want to lose weight and then refer back to them. You should read your card at least twice a day. I've chosen to read mine in the morning when I go through the workbook tasks and then again around 2:30 when I start craving afternoon snacks.

I won't write all of my reasons here because some of them are private, but here are my top 10 reasons for losing weight in no particular order:
1. I will like myself.
2. I will have more time with my girls and more energy to play with them (and maybe even their future kids).
3. I will set a good example for the girls and others.
4. I will get off the medications I am currently on.
5. My knees and hips will feel better (I had knee surgery in high school, and my hips have basically been sore since my pregnancy. I can't imagine that losing weight wouldn't take off some of that pressure).
6. I can buy longer-lasting clothes in brands that fit my style better.
7. I will be less self-conscious.
8. I will complete a task (I'm a perpetual task-starter... and have a really hard time with 100% follow through. More on this in a future post maybe).
9. I will learn self-control and discipline--this is something I struggle with spiritually also. More on this later.
10. I won't be embarrassed to tell people my clothing size when asked for gift ideas or clothes sharing or while shopping in stores.

So there you go. My top 10 public reasons I want to lose weight. I have written these and others on a notecard and will carry it with me to ready when cravings and temptations to deviate from my eating plan strike. And I will also read it every day when I sit down to do my workbook.

I'll be back later today with a breakfast recipe!

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